Creative people are thrilled and energized when the creative juices are flowing and when creativity comes easily. However, creative people have blocks: periods of time when creativity is a struggle. At best, a block slows the process. At worst, a block is creatively immobilizing.
For the past few years, a humble little buddy of mine assisted me with inspiration. She managed to get me out the door into the fresh air and into the woods almost daily. Walking, running, or hiking in nature is what inspires me. Jasmine, our little buddy, was my personal cheerleader and motivator. She got me outside when I was tired, grumpy, or lazy. She got me outside when it was wet, cold and miserable. And usually, she got me outside and helped me find something beautiful-something to inspire me. There are few paintings I’ve done that weren’t inspired by walks with Jasmine.
And this gal, Jaz, often hung out with me for hours and hours as I painted in my lovely but lonely studio. Frequently, Jasmine wore a lovely shade of acrylic paint on her head for a week or two, because she loved to lie under my easel.
I was even inspired to paint a wee painting of our Princess Jasmine, and I don’t do portraits (pet or human). But that’s the kind of buddy Jasmine was. She was my inspiration.
Sadly, Jasmine got very sick this past year; we spent a number of months trying to cure her but I lost my little walking buddy in the spring. It’s taken a number of months to ‘get back in the saddle'(how Calgarian of me). My walks have not been quite the same but the scenery, the skies, the colours are all there; they were waiting for me.
I decided to work on some new techniques. I have travelled more and I have taken a number of workshops and I am back to painting with a vengeance. I have painted more in the past 2 months than I have ever painted.
Sometimes you have to dig deep to find inspiration; it’s there. It might be hiding. Sometimes it is tough, especially when times are rough, but memories are often the best inspiration.
Thanks Jasmine. You have been an awesome inspiration. I challenge all you creative souls to find your muse, dig deep and get inspired….It feels great.
(ps: I don’t do Pet Portraits but I am sending a shout out to my talented friend, Isabel Ostrom, who does wonderful pet portraits. Check out her website: